Hey there & welcome!

She was born holding a CD installer of Adobe Illustrator 8.0 from 1998 and the nurses gasped. She created her first CPU graphic of a wolf at age 9 in Microsoft Paint & museum curators gasped as well.

Isabel Ceron is a visual designer based in Eugene, Oregon who specializes in creative multi-media and UX + UI design.

Projects | UX & UI


Pawsr is an IOS app designed to help pet parents find exactly what they’re looking for for their companions.


An app to assist people easily track their subscriptions or other monthly payments. Made in dark mode for Android.


A 5 day Design Sprint! House2Home is a home solution for people needing to decorate their new home/space.

Sofvie Inc.

Small Team project. Hired by Sofvie Inc., a small tech startup to help their own client meet their website needs.


UX design for Adobe Illustrator extension utilized to increase workflow productivity. Done for Richardson Sports.